Federación de Empresas Certificadas del café de Honduras (FECAFEH)


Country: Honduras
Number of Members: N/A
Product: World Blend Beans & Ground
Flavour Profile: Fruity, sweet and dark chocolate notes


Federación de Empresas Certificadas del café de Honduras (FECAFEH) unites cooperatives across Honduras, two of which are Fairtrade certified. Being a Fairtrade organisation has brought transparency and democracy to the coffee communities in the region. They have been able to find a balance between their business and the natural resources around them.

The members of FECAFEH produce high quality coffee on small plots. The standards of certification have shaped excellent environmental and organic management at farm level. Different tree species seedlings are sold at cost-price to members so they can diversify their farms, increase quality with shade-grown techniques, and protect indigenous bird and plant species.

The Fairtrade premium has allowed FECAFEH to invest into health, education and community projects such as...

  • Providing a supportive network to farmers to face issues such as climate change, which has seen diseases and pests increase over the years

  • Providing university scholarships so that young people can become the coffee experts of the future

  • Improving health centres and hospitals

This delicious fruity coffee can be found in our best selling World Blend - try it today!

Honduras map(Image via Google maps)


Beans hand(Image via Pixabay)