Fair Coffee Blog
OUR STORY Hi, welcome to Fair Coffee! If you're here reading this, chances are you've spotted the Fair Rainbow on shelf at Woolworths! Hooray! Whilst you're wondering what the relevance...
OUR STORY Hi, welcome to Fair Coffee! If you're here reading this, chances are you've spotted the Fair Rainbow on shelf at Woolworths! Hooray! Whilst you're wondering what the relevance...

Australian Organic Awareness Month
September is an important month for anyone interested in organic produce. This is the time of year when Australian Certified Organic raises awareness around the importance of organics.
Australian Organic Awareness Month
September is an important month for anyone interested in organic produce. This is the time of year when Australian Certified Organic raises awareness around the importance of organics.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022
This is a time to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks. At Fair Coffee, this is at the core of everything we do year-round....
Fairtrade Fortnight 2022
This is a time to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks. At Fair Coffee, this is at the core of everything we do year-round....

Chocolate & Child Labour: the bitter truth abou...
The chocolate industry is notorious for its use of child labour. In West Africa alone – where about 2/3rds of the world’s cocoa supply originates – it’s estimated there are more than...
Chocolate & Child Labour: the bitter truth abou...
The chocolate industry is notorious for its use of child labour. In West Africa alone – where about 2/3rds of the world’s cocoa supply originates – it’s estimated there are more than...

How Does Coffee Grow?
Many of us enjoy a cup (or more!) of coffee every day. But how much do you know about the process of getting the coffee from the farm to your...
How Does Coffee Grow?
Many of us enjoy a cup (or more!) of coffee every day. But how much do you know about the process of getting the coffee from the farm to your...

How is Decaf Coffee Made?
Many people drink coffee for the enjoyment and relaxation that it brings. However, the caffeine content, which helps keep us awake, often prevents us from drinking beyond the morning. That’s...
How is Decaf Coffee Made?
Many people drink coffee for the enjoyment and relaxation that it brings. However, the caffeine content, which helps keep us awake, often prevents us from drinking beyond the morning. That’s...